How to remain sane while undergoing something potentially traumatic

گوش دادن به پادکست های انگلیسی به تقویت مهارت listening و یادگیری لغات و اصطلاحات خیلی کمک میکنه. هر هفته جمعه براتون یه پادکست داریم. متن پادکست رو می تونین تو لینک زیر ببینین و درک مطلبتون رو امتحان کنید.
موضوع این پادکست How to remain sane while undergoing something potentially traumatic هست و برای زبان آموزان سطح متوسطه به بالا مناسبه.

This is the One Minute How To:
How to remain sane while undergoing something potentially traumatic.

George: Hello everyone. This is George your host. On this show we’ve got Mosha Summer, and she’s going to explain to us how to remain sane while undergoing something potentially traumatic. Mosha, can you first tell us a little something about yourself.

Mosha: Sure. Professionally I’m the lead singer of a musical ensemble Hudost. And we’re based in Montreal and New York. And my own stance on how to remain sane while undergoing something potentially traumatic is based on experience. I was diagnosed and then in the period between the diagnosis and the surgery itself, I went and recorded an album with my musical ensemble, with a Grammy winning producer, Malcolm Burn. And so that was part of how I dealt with the traumatic process.

George: Ok, Mosha. Would you like to set things up for us first?

Mosha: Sure. Given the context that I just mentioned, that I received the diagnosis and went into the studio, and then went into surgery, and then, of course, went through the rehabilitation process after surgery. Um, that prepared me for a great deal of dealing with traumatic situations. And they let me know that there was something wrong with me was that I was having seizures that were making me hallucinate and to deal with having these, I wrote a ton of songs. In the brain surgery, part of my language center was removed, so I had to relearn a large portion of my vocabulary as well. My main tool was music, I would say what I needed to say in my head in order to reteach my brain the needed words. All that to say that music has been an emotionally therapeutic tool, a creative tool and a practical brain training tool. The vast majority of people will never have to go through brain surgery. And I certainly understand that many people will not feel comfortable enough with music to use it as a tool. However if one is undergoing something that is potentially traumatic which unfortunately the majority of us will then an outlet is required.

George: Okay Mosha, if you’re ready, then you’ve got sixty seconds.

Mosha: All right. Here is a list of potential outlets:

jumping jacks, screaming, painting Jackson Pollock style i.e. splatter ring paint all over the place in random configurations, dancing, boxing, studying astrophysics, eating chocolate, writing, getting a manicure, welding, hang gliding, occasionally swearing.

If you’re going through something that is affecting you physically a great deal, here is another list:

reading comics on Russian literature back to back, knitting, probing jello, watching movies to make you cry from laughing, painting tiny pieces, writing, observing subtle shifts in nature, doing calculus.

If you do happen to be going through brain surgery and your brain is swollen and impaired and you can do very little use drum roll paced music. Seriously bang lightly on things, explore rhythm, hum, sing out of key if you need to but use it. After my surgery, I could not see for a few months for the music was there for me for sanity.

George: It sounds like a combination of challenging things as well as things you wouldn’t normally do.

Mosha: There’s a certain level of judgment towards oneself and others that tends to get in a way of most people’s lives. One of the amazing things about extremely challenging situations is the judgment is negated by our survival instincts. Use that negation of ego and do things that may be ridiculous, but that will bring the joy growth insanity. That way periods of life that could be traumatic will instead yield unexpected growth.

George: Ok . Mosha. Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?

Mosha: In traumatic situations even if they’re small scale, even if they’re just short term, kind of a bigger picture has to be taken into account. That’s truly essential.

George: How about your group? Does your group have a website?

Mosha: Yeah , we do can go to That’s h u d o s t dot com. And we’re also on facebook and my space and all over the web.

George: And I’ll make sure I’ve got a link to that on the show notes

Mosha: Great!

George: Mosha. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.

Mosha: Thank you.

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