How to cope with mothering stress

This is the one minute how to
How to cope with mothering stress

George: hello, everyone. This is George your host. On this show. We’ve got Darline Holl and. She’s going to explain to us how to cope with mothering stress. Darling, can you first tell us a little something about yourself?

Darline: Sure. Um, my name is Darline Hall, and I run a home business for moms called the mom do father, which exists to help moms cope with the various stresses of motherhood, marriage, parenting, and homemaking. And I’m one of those people for whom none of this came easily. I have no natural talent, and I had to learn how to cope without losing my mind. And the mom ? came out of that experience.

George: Okay? Would you like to set things up first?

Darline: Yes. Ah, when we mom start to feel stressed, you can to let it escalate into irritation towards their family. And this results in shouting matches and anger and tears. And so we need tools to help us cope with the stress in a healthy way. And it doesn’t end up causing more damage and even more stress in the long run. So I’ve developed an acronym called care that helps us to do that. And that’s what I’ll teach in this one minute How to.

George: already. Well, if you’re ready, then you’ve got sixty seconds.

Darline: okay! As soon as you start to feel the stress rise inside, think care, or c a r e. The c stands for calm. You first have to calm down so you can access the creative and problem solving areas of the brain. So do things like going for a walk, do some deep breathing, or even blowing bubbles with your kids. For example, once you start to feel the calm kicking in, move to the a which stands for acknowledge, create a positive frame of mind by acknowledging even tiny, seemingly insignificant things that are going well, or that you’ve managed to accomplish, the r stands to reassess. Now that you’re in a positive black frame of mind, reassess the situation and think of ways to improve it or remove it. And the final letter e stands for expect imperfections.  If you expect that things will always be a bit bumpy, and they will you will be able to face those situations with good humor and good problem solving skills, making your life and the lives of your family members much less stressful.

Well, it seems to me that the key here is the sea to get calm, because I think that unfortunately a lot of people don’t even get to that point.

No. And that actually does shut the brain off from being able to solve the problems. It puts you in fight or flight. If you keep that stress level high, but you can’t solve the problem.

George: Okay? Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?

Darline: Well, I just wanted to let your listeners know that the mom decides. The website has hundreds of tips and resources for dealing with just about any area of stress as a mom, and most of them are free to take away. I have a newsletter called tip and giggle, which is also free, and it comes every four days, one day with a tip to make your life easier. And the next time was something to make you laugh because laughter the great stress reliever. And I have a blog that deals with a different stress issue in depth every month. And I also took into workshops. If anybody’s interested in any of those, they can find them on my site at www. Mom,

George: And of course, I’ll have a link to that in the one minute How to show notes.

Darline: That’s great. Thanks for that.

George: Ok, darling, thanks a lot. Darline: Thank you very much. IT’s very ?

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