
گوش دادن به پادکست های انگلیسی به تقویت مهارت listening و یادگیری لغات و اصطلاحات خیلی کمک میکنه. هر هفته جمعه براتون یه پادکست داریم. متن پادکست رو می تونین تو لینک زیر ببینین و درک مطلبتون رو امتحان کنید. موضوع این پادکست Living with People است و برای زبان آموزان سطح متوسطه به بالا مناسبه.

Zap English colloquial. level two, unit two, living with people

In this unit, you’re going to learn colloquial words and expressions  that you might use  when you talk about living with people, or to talk to people you live with,  remember, you need to be careful with colloquial expressions, because not all of them are polite, if you’re not sure, check! Okay, Let’s start!

Katy: Hello, laura.

Laura: Hello, katy.

Katy: You’re not feeling so good today, are you?

Laura: No I’m a bit under the weather,

Katy: oh dear. We’re making you have a little conversation.

Yeah, that’s okay.

Katy: Well I’m going to be seeing if you can guess some colloquial expressions, some informal words. Um How do you feel about that?

Laura: I’ll give it a go.

Katy: Okay Well They’re all about, um or they’re all words or expressions you might use when you’re talking about living with people, your living arrangements or where you live.

Laura: Okay,

Katy: are you a tidy person? Excuse me.

Laura: I think I’m a tidy person, but my husband thinks otherwise.

Katy: Okay. So the word that I’m looking for is a word that you might use to describe a place or a room that is not tidy. That’s really messy, really untidy.

Katy: so imagine that um  your husband’s very tired. Yes

Laura: Yes.

Katy: So, he comes into the lounge or your bedroom and he says, oh look at this. It’s a Complete…

Laura: haystack

Katy: that’s a good word. Yeah, Could say that.

Laura: I know there’s another word for my brains not working properly.

Katy: Um, we use this expression when we think that a place is so untidy. It’s like the place that a particular animal lives.

Laura:  Pigsty.

Katy: Yes

Laura: Yes, of course.

Katy: So he might come in and say, oh this place is an absolute…

Laura: pigsty.

Katy: Mhm I’m sure it’s not.

Laura: but he has used that expression

Katy: really?

Laura:  Yes

Katy:   where about?

Laura: the whole house in general. He, He looks forward to when I go away for a few days so that he can tidy up.

Katy: so you can tidy up the pigsty and make it all nice

Laura: yes to make it a show home. Yeah.

Katy: Okay. Well Thinking about tidying, there’s something that uh I’m very untidy. My house always looks like a pigsty, but even I sometimes do this and it’s to take a machine out of the cupboard and clean your carpet.  What’s this?

Laura: The vacuum

Katy: yes and vacuum cleaner is the sort of usual way. What’s a more informal way Laura:  to do the the hovering?

Katy: Yeah Yes That’s the name of the manufacturer of um the most popular brand of vacuum cleaners.

Laura: Exactly.

Katy: Yeah So we we can actually call it the hoover yeah we yeah um do you say that you say do the hoover ring.

Laura: I think I do. Or I know when I was younger, I always use that term. I think when we no longer had a hoover, my mom bought a new a new for vacuum cleaner  that I changed. I didn’t call it the hoover anymore. And I think that was the influence of my mother telling me it is not a hoover. I don’t think she had enough money for hoover. So it was a sore point.

Katy: Yeah,  Ok So hoovering or vacuuming do who does the hoover ring in your house?

Laura: Chris, nearly always he loves it. I think he thinks it it’s a mans’ job. It involves muscles.

Katy:   Well I think if he thinks hoover is a man’s job, you should leave him with the idea. And he will continue to do the hoovering.

Laura: Yes I think I’m lucky. And I think he enjoys it because he can hoover stripes into the carpet.

Katy: Okay. Very good. Um Have you ever shared a house? Not with your partner, but with friends?

Laura: Yes Always. Um I think I only lived alone for about one year.

Katy: Ok.  And there’s a word that we can use that we often use when we share a house with people. And When you share a house, there are things that you all have to pay, like the electricity or the water, or maybe you share the cost of some of the food shopping.  So there’s a noun. That means the thing that everybody puts some money in,

Laura: is it the kitty?

Katy: It is yes,  got that one very quickly.

Laura: Yeah So I think I use it quite often, not just when you’re sharing um not just when you’re sharing living areas, living accommodation, but if you’re if you’re going away on a trip for a day or maybe for a weekend with a group of friends, then we often have a kitty to share the expenses or to buy all the rounds of drinks that evening.

Katy: and you’re going away shortly, aren’t you?

Laura: Yes I am I’m going with rugby team to um to NewYorker  and play beach rugby.

Katy:  I think there will be a kitty this weekend. I think they will. And Uh I’m a bit concerned about the amount of money that’s going to go in and come out liquid fall.

Laura: Yeah.

Katy: Ok. So a kitty can be a shared amount of money on a trip, or when you share a house. Laura: Yes,

Katy: Okay Um Thinking about when you share a house with someone, maybe or you live next door to someone. There’s an expression when um, somebody says things or once Information about your business. And it’s none of their business. They want to …the…. in

Katy: they want to stick

Laura: their nose.

Katy: They’re Yes Yeah So it’s another way to say nosy.

Laura: Yeah, really

Katy: And And if you stick your nose in, do we want you to be in our business?

Laura: No, it’s unwelcome.

Katy: Have you shared a house with anybody who stuck their nose in your business?

Laura: Um,  I think I’ve been quite lucky, really. I can’t think of anything offhand.  no, I don’t think I have either, but I don’t want to share my house with anyone who sticks their nose in.

Katy: Okay, And we’ve got one more for you to guess, 4 out of 5 so far. Uh the last one is a very colloquial, Very informal way to say someone annoys you.  They … you off.

Laura: piss me off.

Katy: Yes

Laura: That’s a bit rude, though.

Katy: It is a bit rude, isn’t it? Yeah Very common, I think

Laura: very very  colloquial, but you wouldn’t use it in a formal situation. You certainly wouldn’t use it around elders who you’re supposed to show respect.

Katy: Absolutely. But  if you had a flat mate who made your house a pigsty all the time and never did the hoover ring, they might

Laura: piss me off.

Laura: Yes, perfect

Well done. You’ve studied 10 new colloquial expressions on the topic of living with and next to people.


پادکست انگلیسی Zapp English Advanced


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