پادکست انگلیسی Zapp English در سه بخش، 12 واژه آکادمیک را مورد بررسی قرار میدهد. با بخشهای مختلف این پادکست آموزشی همراه باشید.
This real English vocabulary podcast accompanies the eBook that you can download at Zap english.com.
Zap English Academic Vocabulary-Unit One
In this series, we deal with the most common and useful words used in academic English. For each word, you’ll do four things.
- Listen to a definition.
- Hear some sentences with the word missing. Can you guess the word?
- Repeat the answers after the word to help memory and pronunciation.
- Listen to the word used naturally and in context.
Okay, let’s get started. Part One, words one to six.
Word one
A) The word is a noun that begins with “a” and it’s a way of studying and examining something, so that you can understand and explain it. The samples were sent to the laboratory for “…”. “His … of the situation was very helpful”.
The word was “analysis”, repeat, “analysis”.
A detailed analysis of the results is needed.
The samples were sent for analysis.
A) Okay, so the word is analysis? Is this a word you use a lot?
B) Yes, I use this word a lot.
A) Really?
B) I use it all the time. The reason I use it so often is because my job title is business analyst.
A) Uh huh
B) So, I’m paid to analyze things.
A) Hmm…
B) I might analyze how much a certain amount, a certain product is costing a company over a period of a year.
A) So cost analysis.!
B) Cost analysis Exactly. Or I might analyze what a client wants for the development of a new product. So, I’ll speak to them and discuss what all their different needs are. And I’ll talk to lots of different people and got lots of different opinions. And then I’ll analyze what all of them have said, and try and find a common trend. And that analysis that I do feeds into work that other people do for me.
Word two
A) This is another noun, this time beginning with F. It’s what a thing is used for, or the job that a thing is made to do. “The camera has a multi picture …”. “What’s the … of that button? “
The word was “function”, “function”.
My phone has a callback function.
The camera has a multi picture function. So, this word is function.
B) Hmm…
A) which is like use, isn’t it? Yes. Do you have a function?
B) That’s a good question. I like to think I have a good function in what I do. In fact, often what I try to do is find out how other things function. So, I’m interested in what people do in their job. So, if they have to do a job where they work in an office, and they work with a telephone, and then they have to write down lots of information. I’d like to know why they’re writing down that information. So, what’s the function of that information that you’re writing down? And then we can see if we can improve that function, or if that function works perfectly well if it’s functioning.
A) And you work in technology?
B) I do.
A) And you know now in technology everything has more than one function.
B) Multifunctional.
A) Yes.
B) multifunctional devices.
A) like a phone. A phone is no longer just a phone. It has several functions.
B) Yes. you can make phone calls, you can send emails, you can take photographs, there are three different functions of a phone. And I’m sure if I was a little younger, I could list you 10 more functions of the phone.
A) Well, is one function missing If you ask me.
B) What function is that?
A) I would not pay a lot of money for a phone until it can make me a cup of tea.
B) A cup of tea or a cup of coffee.
A) Yeah.
B) For a cup of coffee. That’s a good function to have.
A) Yeah.
Word three
A) This word is a noun and a verb. And it begins with R. the verb means to look and find lots of information from different places about a particular subject. To study something in detail and get new information about it. “The results of her … were published”. “Do some … before you buy a new phone, so you can get the best one for you.”
The word is “research” or research. “Research”. “To research”.
He’s doing research into what causes cancer.
I’m researching my family history.
A) Okay, now we’ve got a word that is the same word.
B) Yes.
A) Well, it’s a noun. it’s a verb. So, the verb is research.
B) Research!?
A) Research something.
B) That’s something I like to find something out. I need to research what the price is of this new car that I want to buy and see if I can afford it. So, I’m going to find out some information, maybe look on the internet and do some research.
A) Yes. So, there’s the noun.
B) Okay.
A) Do the research?
B) Okay, do the research?!
A) Yeah.
B) Indeed. Research is the nouns so often in, in universities you’ll be asked to do research for a particular project or for a particular dissertation that you have to deliver, you’ll need to do a lot of research.
A) Yes.
B) which is the noun that means the activity of doing research.
A) Yes. Often you get given money but not often.
B) Not often, some people do.
S) Some people and you know in universities get given money to do some research.
B) Yes.
A) To research something.
B) Yeah, scientific research.
A) Yes.
B) For example, or any kind of research.
Word four
This word is a noun that begins with A. It’s the way of looking at or testing a thing or person to see how good they are, or how they are doing. An exam is an example of this. “He failed his … “. “Regular … is a way of checking staff performance.”
The word was “assessment”. “An assessment”.
There are no exams, the course uses continuous assessment.
What’s your assessment of the situation?
A) All right, so assessment, Assessment.
B) Assessment, you can have a written assessment.
A) Like an exam.
B) Like an exam.
A) Yeah.
B) You can have an oral assessment. I suppose you can have a practical assessment.
A) Yes.
B) Well, like if you’re ready to take your driving test.
A) Yes.
B) That’s a practical assessment. isn’t it?
A) Yeah.
A) So, it’s a test, isn’t it?
B) Yeah.
A) An assessment.
B) Yeah.
A) A test of a level of skill,
B) Yeah. I think we often use this word in a work situation as well.
A) Yes.
B) Academic or work?
A) Yes.
B) You know. My boss is going to give me an assessment of my progress.
A) That’s right.
B) Yeah.
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