پادکست انگلیسی Zapp English در سه بخش، 12 واژه آکادمیک را مورد بررسی قرار می‌دهد. با بخش‌های مختلف این پادکست آموزشی همراه باشید.

Word five

A) Another noun starting with S, which is the beginning of something or a place or person, something came from. “The … of the information is not yet known”. “Vegetables are a good … of vitamins”.

The word was, source. source.


We need to find a clean source of water.

Tourism is an important source of income in many countries.

Wind is a clean energy source.

So, the next word is source and I don’t mean tomato sauce if you put on your chips. I mean, SOURCE. Laughing…

B) So you mean the source of something like…

A) Yeah.

B) The beginning of something where it started?

A) Yes.

B) You might look for the source of a river.

A) Yes.

B) The Hunt for the source of the Nile.

A) Yeah

B) That was a famous Hunt.

A) Yes.

B) A long time ago.

A) It could be something like the source of the problem.

B) Yeah.

A) Where is the problem coming from?

B) Where does the problem come from Because if you sort out the source of the problem, then the problem doesn’t keep on happening?

A) Yeah.

B) Rather than trying to deal with the consequences of the problem when the problem keeps on happening.

A) Yeah. And I think, for example, a reporter or a journalist, if they have a person who’s given them information about a story, they would, that person would be the journalist’s source.

B) That’s true. So maybe someone from the government is leaking information about the new legislature, legislation, in fact, and they will be the source of the information.

A) Yeah.

Word six

A) This word can be a noun or a verb, and it begins with E. It’s similar to a guess, you use it when you’re not sure of an amount or number. “They … the new train line will cost over 30 million pounds”. “Police … there were 1000 people there”.

The word was, estimate or estimate.

An estimate. To estimate.


They’ll give us a rough estimate of the cost of the work.

He estimates he’ll arrive around 4:30.

A) Estimate. Now I could ask you a difficult question. Well, maybe it’s not difficult. But I could ask you the question. Can you estimate my age?

B) Well, ….

A) But you have to answer one.

B) I’m too polite.


B) To try and estimate your age. I’m not going to guess your age, which is another way of saying it.

A) Yes.

B) Estimate is a more formal way of saying and

A) Exactly.

B) So, it makes it sound like you have some knowledge.

A) Yeah.

B) Behind the guess.

A) Yes.

B) And sometimes people jokingly say guesstimate, don’t they?

A) Yes.

B) They put guesses and estimates together.

A) Yeah.

B) In work, you do have to make lots of estimations about how long it will take to do a piece of work or how much it will cost from the beginning of a project to the end of the project. And sometimes you have to come back to your estimations and change them. You have to reestimate to improve your predictions about some information.

A) My brother is a builder and he spends a lot of time giving possible customers estimates.

B) Yeah.

A) So, we can have the verb to estimate and the noun an estimate.

B) An estimate for a piece of work. It’s like a quote, like an idea of how much it would cost before you do the work.

Part one review.

Answer these quick questions with a word from part one to see what you remember.

Which word means the thing you might have to do at work or in education so that someone can check your progress and see how you’re doing? An assessment

What do we call the place where a river begins?  The Source

What do you do at university when you want to get information to write an essay? Research.

Which word means an examination of the information results or details of something? An analysis

What’s the word for the use of something? It’s Function.

Part Two, words 7 to 12.

Word seven

This word is an adjective beginning with F. It describes anything that’s related to money.

“The … crisis has hit business hard”. “I don’t have any money. I’m having … difficulties”.

The word is financial. Financial.


He’s a financial advisor.

The company made big financial losses this year.

A) So, the next one is a word to talk about all things related to money.

B) Financial.

A) Yes.

B) Finance. And yep, you’re completely right. It’s all things to do with money. You talk about the financial markets being in crisis at the moment and because they’ve borrowed too much money and In England, we have a newspaper called The Financial Times, which tells you everything that’s going on in the world of money.

A) We can talk about our financial affairs.

B) Yeah.

A) Like if I talk about my financial affairs, I mean, my personal money situation.

B) How are your finances?

A) Rubbish.

A) My financial affairs are not in a good state.

B) Yeah, you often have a Minister for Finance and the governments.

A) we might talk about if a company has been doing things wrongly or not according to the law. We might say, there have been financial irregularities.

B) Yes.

A) Things are wrong with the money situation, they just say something wrong.

B) Yeah.

B) People talk about high finance which is money operating in the top level of society.Big companies buying each other and such like.

A) We could save the person or a company that is having financial problems.

B) Yes.

B) They might have to declare themselves bankrupt. They haven’t got enough money essentially, that’s what they mean.

A) Yeah.

Word eight

A) What’s the word for the money you earn or the money a company makes? it’s a noun and it begins with i. “Our … Went up last year”. “His … is less than the amount he spends”.

The word is income, income.


Income from overseas went up last year.

low-income families are finding it difficult in this crisis.

A) So, this is a noun.

B) Hmmm.

A) Income.

B) Writer, financial word then. money coming into a household.

A) Yeah.

A) So, I suppose we can have a person who can have an income, your personal income.

A) Business?

B) Also, is usually linked with work though, isn’t it? Yeah, you earn your income. I mean, some people don’t. They have no income.

A) Yeah.

B) But when we say we are thinking about paid work, aren’t we?

A) Yeah.

A) And of course, there are not very nice things we have to do. When we have an income. We have to pay income tax.

B) Yes.

A) Laughing…


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پادکست انگلیسی Zapp English 1
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ارسال سفارشات از 14 فروردین 1404